Prof. Dr. Martina Padmanabhan
Prof. Dr. Martina Padmanabhan

Curriculum vitae
Professional Experience
2024 Liaison lecturer at the Heinrich Böll Foundation
2023 Women's Representative of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Education:
2022 Renaming of Chair to Critical Development Studies - Southeast Asia (
2017-2018 Visiting Professor, Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta Indonesia
Since 2013 Chaired Professor, Chair of Comparative Development and Cultural Studies esp. Southeast Asia, University of Passau
2010–2013, Research Group Leader, Leibniz University Hannover, Social-Ecological Research BioDIVA – Transformation Knowledge for Equitable and Sustainable use of Biodiveristy
2003–2008 Assistant Professor, Chair of Resource Economics, Humboldt University, Berlin
2001–2003 Research Fellow, Berlin Social Science Center (WZB)
1996–2000 Research Fellow, Institute of Rural Development, Agricultural Faculty, University of Göttingen
2009 Postdoctoral Lecture Qualification Rural Sociology (Habilitation), Humboldt University Berlin
2000 Dr. sc. agr., Rural Sociology, University of Göttingen
1996 Dipl.-Ing. agr. Agricultural Engineer, University of Göttingen
1989–1991 International Agricultural Sciences, Technische Universität Berlin
Selected Awards and Grants
2018-2022 EU Well-being, Ecology, Gender, and cOmmunity (Innovative Training Network)
2016–2021 BMBF Grant IndORGANIC (Bioeconomy)
2015 DFG Grant IndSEARCH (International Cooperation)
2009–2013 BMBF Grant BioDiva (Research for Sustainable Development)
2004–2008 EU Grant Sensor: Institutional Analysis of Modelling Tools for Sustainable Land Use Policies
2005 – 2007 BMZ Grant Collective action and property rights for poverty reduction: Pastoralists in Ethiopia
1996-2000 GTZ Grant: Gender relations and agricultural Innovations in Northern Ghana
1996 Best Thesis Award, Gesellschaft der Freunde der Landwirtschaftlichen Fakultät Göttingen
- Padmanabhan, M. (2022). Mulai Leave—datang Arrive—pulang Return. Working the Field Together: A Feminist Mother–Son Journey in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In W. Harcourt, K. van den Berg, C. Dupuis, & J. Gaybor (Eds.), Gender, Development and Social Change. Feminist Methodologies (pp. 113–138). Springer International Publishing.
- Padmanabhan, M. (2021). Entangled Environments in Asia. ASIEN (160/161), 7-16.
- Padmanabhan, M., Dinkelaker, S., Hoffmann, M., Laksmana, D., Maimunah, S., Rudakova, E., Still, E., & Trotier, F. (2021). Principles of Critical Development Studies: A Minifesto. ASIEN (160/161), 210–220.
- Laksmana, D., & Padmanabhan, M. (2021). Strategic Engagement in Institutions of Organic Farming in Indonesia. In V. Beckmann (Ed.), Transitioning to Sustainable Life on Land (pp. 381–413). MDPI.
Further publications on Research Gate and Google Scholar
Focus areas
Comparative development research
Gender Studies
Institutional Analysis
Socio-ecological research
Trans- and interdisciplinarity
Women's Representative
Liaison Lecturer
Summer semester 2025
- 44240 "Soft Power" Indien
- 44610 A Masterclass - Supervision V
- 44540 Advanced Qualitative Research Methods with MAXQDA Workshop (TBC)
- 44890 Chiang Mai – Passau Dialogue on Development Studies
- 44600 Internal Conflicts and Peacebuilding in Southeast Asia
- 44300 Passau Research Colloquium on Southeast Asian Studies
- 44800 Political Ecology & Natural Resource Management
- 44570 Rural Development
- 44550 Urbanism
Winter semester 2024/25
- 44210 Einführung in die Südostasienstudien
- 44520 Gender and Development
- 44510 Interdisciplinary Development Seminar
- 44530 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods for Development Studies
- 44240 Kolonialgeschichte Südostasiens: Macht, Modernität und Mobilität
- 43630 Kulturwirtschaft / International Cultural and Business Studies: Eine interdisziplinäre Einführung
- 44500 Methods and Theories of Development
- 44300 Passau Research Colloquium on Southeast Asian Studies
- 44250 Religion–Institution– Identität: Wie Religionen die Identitätsbildung in Vietnam und Indonesien beeinflussen
- 44570 Research Seminar
- 44230 Stadt & Nachhaltigkeit in Südostasien
- 44540 Sustainability & Enviroment
Summer semester 2024
- 44230 "Soft Power" Indonesien in der Welt
- 44510 Activism, Academia and Social Change
- 44530 Advanced Qualitative Research Methods with MAXQDA Workshop (TBC)
- 44250 Intersectionality, ecology and development
- 44240 Migration, Flucht und Ernährung: Essen und Mobilität in transnationalen Lebenswelten
- 44500 Political Ecology & Natural Resource Management
- 44520 Rural Development
- 44540 Urbanism