Grade conversion
Modified Bavarian formula

Modified Bavarian formula
The modified Bavarian formula is used to convert grades for coursework and assessments completed abroad:
x = sought value in grading scale used by the University of Passau
Nmax = highest possible grade (best grade) in the applicable grading scale
Nd = grade to be converted
Nmin = lowest passing grade in the applicable grading scale
The highest possible grade and the lowest passing grade are taken from Anabin, the information portal for foreign systems of education (only German).
Only one digit after the decimal point is taken into account for conversion. All other digits are eliminated without rounding. If the resulting value lies between two grades in the University of Passau's marking system, it is rounded to the next higher grade for the benefit of the student.
Grade points used by the Faculty of Law
In connection with the recognition of coursework and assessments for degree programmes at the Faculty, the following conversion table (only in German) is used to convert grade points earned at a faculty of law either at the University of Passau or at any other university.