In the night of 5 November, several buildings of the University of Passau were smeared with Nazi symbols. This is a criminal offence. In the morning, the University filed an official complaint with the police, who are…
Professor Hidalgo and Dr Birnkammerer coordinate a new EU Horizon research project on making democracies resilient against consolidated conspiracy beliefs.
The University of Passau has set itself the goal of strengthening the start-up culture at all levels and offers a wide range of services and measures to support and accompany start-ups.
President Ulrich Bartosch and the University Executive cordially invite all members of the University to the Dies Academicus [German content], which starts at 16:00 on 8 November.
Lecture hall 6 in the WIWI was well filled on 22 October. Students interested in starting their own business wanted to know all about the launch of this year's 5 Euro Business Competition. Dr Maria Diekmann, Programme…
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