What is biodiversity? What role do our forests play in biodiversity? How is nature conservation realised in Europe and what is the role of national parks? An international Erasmus+ project has been addressing these questions since the end of 2023.
On account of COVID-19, the EU sees itself confronted by multiple legal and political tensions. How has society and politics changed, and how can the EU be supported in light of the ongoing challenges?
A "dark-field study" to shed light on the spread of antisemitic prejudice and resentment in society is being conducted by Professor Lars Rensmann, political science scholar at the University of Passau, in collaboration with the sociologist Professor Heiko Beyer from Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf.
As part of the Bavarian research cluster ForGeRex – a research alliance examining contemporary right-wing extremism – a team of researchers from the University of Passau study the role of antisemitic conspiracy myths within right-wing extremist mobilizations and cultures, and their relationship to crises.
Professor Hannah Schmid-Petri, who holds the Chair of Science Communication at the University of Passau, has been put in charge of a new project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) that takes climate research as a case in point to study how researchers handle online input from society.
Migration is an integral part of human history. The fact that migration is closely structurally linked to development is undisputed in the social sciences. However, there is no clear answer to the questions of how migration affects development and how this in turn influences migration.
Professor Ingo Rohlfing, PhD, who holds the Chair of Methods of Empirical Social Research at the University of Passau, has been appointed Heisenberg Professor. The position is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) with the objective of assessing the transparency and credibility of quality research and is one of the most prestigious and highly endowed funding programmes.
How must knowledge be conveyed so that it is retained over the long term and can be applied flexibly? This is the central question addressed by the DFG research unit "Lasting Learning". The spokesperson of the research unit is psychologist Professor Tobias Richter from Würzburg.
How do we want to live in future? What should different parts of society look like – political participation, diversity, inclusion, mobility transition, alternative forms of doing business, social media?
The Affective and Emotional Dimensions and Dynamics of (Non-) Belonging and Experiencing Ethnoracial Exclusion—A Comparison of Three Groups of Germans of Migrant Background
Cultural sociologists and scholars of migration have increasingly focused on immigrants’ experiences of ethnoracial exclusion such as stigmatization and (perceived) discrimination.
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