2024 / in press
Schweppe, J., Lenk-Blochowitz, A., Pucher, M., & Ketzer-Nöltge, A. (in press). Interleaved practice in foreign language grammar learning: A field study. Journal of Educational Psychology.
Zeitlhofer, I., Zumbach, J., & Schweppe, J. (in press). Complexity affects performance, cognitive load, and awareness. Learning and Instruction.
Sailer, M., Abel, J. & Schweppe, J. (2023). Bildungstechnologische Fragen in der Hochschullehre im Überblick. ZeHf – Zeitschrift für empirische Hochschulforschung, 7(1), 4–12.
Sailer, M., Abel, J. & Schweppe, J. (Eds.). (2023). Themenheft: Innovative Bildungstechnologien und technologiegestütztes Lernen als Gegenstand moderner Hochschulforschung. ZeHf – Zeitschrift für empirische Hochschulforschung, 7(1).
Schweppe, J. & Rummer, R. (2023). Wrapping up lessons with closed-book and open-book tests. In C. E. Overson, C. M. Hakala, L. L. Kordonowy, & Benassi (Eds.), In their own words: What scholars and teachers want you to know about why and how to apply the science of learning in your academic setting (pp. 494-498). Society for the Teaching of Psychology.
Radloff, P.* & Schweppe, J.* (2022). Process-Sensitivity of the Changing-State Effect – Three Methodological Issues Regarding the Current Evidence Base, Auditory Perception & Cognition, 6:1-2, 2-19,
Richter, T., Berger, R., Ebersbach, M., Eitel, A., Endres, T., Ferri, R. B., Hänze, M., Lachner, A., Leutner, D., Lipowsky, F., Nemeth, L., Renkl, A., Roelle, J., Rummer, R., Scheiter, K., Schweppe, J., von Aufschnaiter, C. & Vorholzer, A. (2022). How to promote lasting learning in schools: theoretical approaches and an agenda for research. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 54(4), 135-141.
Roelle, J., Schweppe, J., Endres, T., Lachner, A., von Aufschnaiter, C., Renkl, A., Eitel, A., Leutner, D., Rummer, R., Scheiter, K., & Vorholzer, A. (2022).Combining retrieval practice and generative learning in educational contexts: promises and challenges. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 54(4), 142–150.
Rummer, R.* & Schweppe, J.* (2022). Komplexität und der Testungseffekt: Die mögliche Bedeutung der Verständnissicherung für den Nutzen von Abrufübung bei komplexem Lernmaterial. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 50, 37-52.
Schweppe, J.*, Schütte, F.*, Machleb, F. & Hellfritsch, M. (2022). Syntax, morphosyntax, and serial recall: How language supports short-term memory. Memory & Cognition, 50, 174-191.
Wenzel, K., Schweppe, J., & Rummer, R. (2022). Are open-book tests still as effective as closed-book tests even after a delay of 2 weeks? Applied Cognitive Psychology, 36(3), 699–707.
Schweppe, J. (2021). Lernen mit digitalen Medien – eine psychologische Perspektive. In M. Seifert & S. Jöckel (Hrsg.), Bildung, Wissen und Kompetenz(-en) in digitalen Medien. Was können, wollen und sollen wir über digital vernetzte Kommunikation wissen? (S. 57-68).
Schweppe, J. & Knigge, J. (2020). Irrelevant music: How suprasegmental changes of a melody’s tempo and mode affect the disruptive potential of music on serial recall. Memory & Cognition, 48, 982-993.
Rummer, R. & Schweppe, J. (2020). Stichwörter Serielle Positionskurve, Recency-Effekt. In M. Wirtz (Hrsg.), Dorsch – Lexikon der Psychologie. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Schweppe, J. & Rummer, R. (2020). Stichwörter Enkodierprozesse, Item-Order-Hypothese. In M. Wirtz (Hrsg.), Dorsch – Lexikon der Psychologie. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Ziegler, P. (2020). Subjektives Wohlbefinden von Studierenden-Einflussfaktoren auf das subjektive Wohlbefinden und Zusammenhänge mit der Studienabbruchsintention. URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:739-opus4-8001
Ketzer-Nöltge, A., Schweppe, J. & Rummer, R. (2019). Is the seductive details effect moderated by mood? An Eye Tracking Study. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 33, 62-70.
Rummer, R. & Schweppe, J. (2019). Talking emotions: vowel selection in fictional names depends on the emotional valence of the to‐be‐named faces and objects. Cognition and Emotion, 33, 404-416.
Rummer, R., Schweppe, J. & Schwede, A. (2019). Open-book vs. closed-book tests in university classes: a field experiment. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:463.
Schweppe, J. (2019). Das Arbeitsgedächtnis – ein kognitionspsychologisches Konstrukt in Theorien des Lehrens und Lernens. Enzyklopädie Erziehungswissenschaft online, 1-15.
Oberauer, K., Lewandowsky, S., Awh, E., Brown, G. D. A., Conway, A., Cowan, N., Donkin, C., Farrell, S., Hitch, G. J., Hurlstone, M., Ma, W. J., Morey, C. C., Nee, D. E., Schweppe, J., Vergauwe, E. & Ward, G. (2018a). Benchmarks for models of short term and working memory. Psychological Bulletin, 144, 885-958.
Oberauer, K., Lewandowsky, S., Awh, E., Brown, G. D. A., Conway, A., Cowan, N., Donkin, C., Farrell, S., Hitch, G. J., Hurlstone, M., Ma, W. J., Morey, C. C., Nee, D. E., Schweppe, J., Vergauwe, E. & Ward, G. (2018b). Benchmarks provide common ground for model development: Reply to Logie (2018) and Vandierendonck (2018). Psychological Bulletin, 144, 972-977.
Rummer, R., Schweppe, J., Gerst, K. & Wagner, S. (2017). Is testing a more effective learning strategy than note-taking? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 23, 293-300.
Schweppe, J. (2017). Playing ‘telephone’ with working memory or the War of the Ghosts 2.0 – A comment on Cowan (2016). In Lewandowsky, S., Oberauer, K., Morey, C. C., Schweppe, J., & Cowan, N. (2017). #whatWM? A digital event celebrating the 9 lives of working memory. URL:
Rummer, R., Schweppe, J. & Schwede, A. (2016). Fortune is fickle: Null-effects of disfluency on learning outcomes. Metacognition and Learning, 11, 57-70.
Schweppe, J. & Rummer, R. (2016). Attention and long-term memory in system and process theories of working memory: A reply to Soemer’s (2015) comment on Schweppe and Rummer (2014). Educational Psychology Review, 28, 201-204.
Schweppe, J. & Rummer, R. (2016). Integrating written text and graphics as a desirable difficulty in long-term multimedia learning. Computers in Human Behavior, 60, 131-137.
Schweppe, J., Barth, S., Ketzer-Nöltge, A. & Rummer, R. (2015). Does verbatim sentence recall underestimate the language competence of near-native speakers? Frontiers in Psychology: Language Sciences, 6: 63.
Schweppe, J., Eitel, A. & Rummer, R. (2015). The multimedia effect and its stability over time. Learning & Instruction, 38, 24-33.
Rummer, R., Schweppe, J., Schlegelmilch, R. & Grice, M. (2014). Mood is linked to vowel type: The role of articulatory movements. Emotion, 14, 246-250.
Schweppe, J. & Rummer, R. (2014). Attention, working memory, and long-term memory in multimedia learning: An integrated perspective based on process models of working memory. Educational Psychology Review, 26, 285-306.
Fürstenberg, A., Rummer, R. & Schweppe, J. (2013). Does visuo-spatial working memory generally contribute to immediate serial letter recall? Memory, 21, 722-731.
Rummer, R., Schweppe, J. & Martin, R. C. (2013). Two modality effects in verbal short-term memory: Evidence from sentence recall. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 25, 231-247.
Schweppe, J. (2013). Distance effects in number agreement. Discourse Processes, 50, 531-556.
Blanken, G., Bormann, T. & Schweppe, J. (2011). Die Modellierung der mündlichen und schriftlichen Sprachproduktion. Evidenzen aus der Aphasie- und Agraphieforschung. Sprache, Stimme und Gehör, 35, 8-12.
Lindow, S., Fuchs, H. M., Fürstenberg, A., Kleber, J., Schweppe, J. & Rummer, R. (2011). On the robustness of the modality effect: Attempting to replicate a basic finding. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 25, 231-243.
Rummer, R., Schweppe, J., Fürstenberg, A., Scheiter, K. & Zindler, A. (2011). The perceptual basis of the modality effect in multimedia learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 17, 159-173.
Schweppe, J., Grice, M., & Rummer, R. (2011). What models of verbal working memory can learn from phonological theory: Decomposing the phonological similarity effect. Journal of Memory and Language, 64, 256-269.
Schweppe, J., Rummer, R., Bormann, T. & Martin, R. C. (2011). Semantic and phonological information in sentence recall: Converging psycholinguistic and neuropsychological evidence. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 28, 521-545.
Rummer, R., Schweppe, J., Fürstenberg, A., Seufert, T. & Brünken, R. (2010). Working memory interference during processing texts and pictures: Implications for the explanation of the modality effect. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 24, 164-176.
Rummer, R., Schweppe, J. & Martin, R. C. (2009). A modality congruency effect in verbal false memory. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 21, 473-483.
Schweppe, J., Rummer, R. & Fürstenberg, A. (2009). Beyond sentence boundaries: Grammatical gender information in short-term recall of texts. Memory & Cognition, 37, 73-80.
Rummer, R., Fürstenberg, A. & Schweppe, J. (2008). Lernen mit Texten und Bildern: Der Anteil akustisch-sensorischer Information am Zustandekommen des Modalitätseffekts. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 22,
Rummer, R., Schweppe, J., Scheiter, K. & Gerjets, P. (2008). Lernen mit Multimedia: Die kognitiven Grundlagen des Modalitätseffekts. Psychologische Rundschau, 59, 98-108.
Schweppe, J. & Rummer, R. (2007). Shared representations in language processing and verbal short-term memory: The case of grammatical gender. Journal of Memory and Language, 56, 336-356.
Schweppe, J., Bormann, T. & Rummer, R. (2006). Störungen des verbalen Kurzzeitgedächtnisses nach erworbener Hirnschädigung. Aphasie und verwandte Gebiete, 20, 73-88.
Rummer, R. & Schweppe, J. (2005). Evidence for a modality effect in sentence retention. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 12, 1094-1099.
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