Bernhard Stahl

Professor Dr Bernhard Stahl
HK 16 Raum: 206
Dr. Hans-Kapfinger-Str. 16
94032 Passau
Tel.: +49 851 509 - 2845
Office hours: Please contact via email or sign up on Stud.IP
Work experience
- Since 10/2010: Professor of International Politics
- 10/2009-09/2010: Senior Lecturer in the Master Program European Studies for students from Israel and Palestine at the University of Düsseldorf
- 4/2009-9/2009: Visiting Professor of International Politics at the University of Passau
- 10/2008-03/2009: Visiting Professor at the University of Stuttgart (Department of International Relations and European Integration)
- 2004-2008: Professor for European Integration and Academic Advisor in Serbia for the German Development Cooperation (CIM/GTZ)
- 2002-2004: Director of Academic Affairs at CBS International Business School in Cologne
- 1997-2002: Research Associate and Project Leader at the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy at the University of Trier (Prof. Dr. H. W. Maull)
- 1989-1997: Freelance Lecturer in adult education for business administration as well as management education during the course of studies and the (external) doctorate
Educational background
- 2006: Habilitation at the University of Trier, venia legendi for political science
- 1998: Doctorate (Dr. phil., magna cum laude) at the University of Trier, main subjects: Political Science and Business Administration
- 1989-1991: Additional studies in European Studies at the RWTH Aachen, Master in European Studies (M.E.S.)
- 1983-1988: Diploma studies in economics at the University of Siegen and the University of Münster (Dipl.-Kfm.)
The database of all publications by Professor Dr Stahl can be found in the Zotero project