Dr. Gustavo Robles

Gustavo Robles is a Gerda Henkel Postdoc Fellow at the University of Passau. He got his PhD in Philosophy at the National University of La Plata (Argentina), where he was an Associate Professor. He is also a Research Fellow within the International Research Group on Authoritarianism and Counterstrategies (IRGAC-Rosa Luxemburg Foundation), and carried out research stays at different German universities, including the University of Frankfurt, the University of Jena, and the Humboldt University of Berlin. His areas of interest include Critical Theory, contemporary political thought, social philosophy, and the political economy of digital capitalism.
Project description
Subjectivity and platform capitalism in Argentina
This subproject aims to analyse the subjective effects of working conditions in platform economies in Argentina. It will focus on what is currently known as gig economy, since it makes visible certain key elements of an ideological dimension of authoritarianism that involves the organization of labor processes and the production of subjective features. This makes it a privileged site to observe the coexistence of technology and precarization inherent to the mode of accumulation of digital capitalism, as well as forms of authoritarianism embedded in the management of subjectivities, that is, techno-political modes of acting on bodies and psyche that are a necessary condition for the functioning of platform capitalism. This project studies how in Argentina platform companies have reshaped the working conditions and workers' subjectivities with deep ideological and political consequences.
- Nehe, B., & Robles, G. “Today’s Fascism is based on our Need for Meaning in Life” Interview with Samir Gandesha. In https://irgac.org/articles/samir-gandesha-today-s-fascism-is-based-on-our-need-for-meaning-in-life/
- Nehe, B., & Robles, G. Hegemoniekrise und autoritäre Wende. In Sub\Urban. Zeitschrift Für Kritische Stadtforschung, 11(3/4), 491–498.
- Robles, G. “La teoría del reconocimiento de Axel Honneth. Una introducción crítica” [Axel Honneth's Theory of Recognition. A Critical Introduction]. In Camou, Antonio (Comp.): Teoría Social Contemporánea. Edulp: La Plata.
- Robles, G. La subjetividad autoritaria y el legado de la Escuela de Frankfurt”. Revista Avatares de la Comunicación y la Cultura. N° 25.
- Robles, G. “Neoliberalism at War and the Authoritarian Turn”. In: https://irgac.org/articles/neoliberalism-at-war-and-the-authoritarian-turn/.
- Robles G. „Für eine alternative Moderne. Studien zu Krise, Kultur und Mestizaje von Bolívar Echeverría”. In Zeitschrift für philosophisches Literatur, 10(1), 55-62.
- Robles, G. & Nehe B. „Die koloniale Materialität des Staates. Den autoritären Neoliberalismus vom Süden aus denken“. In Christina Pauls, Martin Oppelt, Nicki K. Weber (ed.): Postkoloniale Staatsverständnisse. Nomos Verlag.
- Robles, G. “Crisis y critica. Intervenciones en presente sobre el futuro de la emancipación de Agustí Prestifilppo y Santiago Roggerone“. In Anacronismo e Irrupción. Revista de Teoría Política. N° 22, 264-370.
- Robles, G. & Franco, F. “Authoritarian Neoliberalism from below. Subjectivity and Platform Capitalism in Argentina and Brazil”. In IRGAC (ed.) Global Authoritarianism. Perspectives and Contestations from the South.Transcript Verlag.
- Robles, G. „Crisis de la experiencia y (pos)fascismo. Lecturas desde la Teoría Crítica” [Crisis of Experience and (Post)Fascism. Readings from the Critical Theory]. Constelaciones. Revista de Teoría Crítica. n° 12-13, 312-339.